Monday, June 22, 2009

turntable listening test Part II

On the rush of this new found love for listening to music, after the record was done I quickly put on another favorite album of mine. Paper Chase’s “God bless your black heart” I was so excited I could hardly contain my self, unfortunately I was greeted with undeniable disappointment. It was just making a horrible popping and hissing. The sound was just awful. It was a HUGE let down. I had to take it off immediately. I quickly when online and did some research. And found out that dust and static could lead to those nasty pops. Which relieved me a little bit. I had my carbon fiber brush to try out. I soon found out, the brush was a pain in the rear to use. It even left behind little hairs which ended up being even harder to get rid of. But the sound was much better, but there was still some pops, so I checked the alignment of the cartridge, and checked the tracking weight as well. Everything was good, so it just left me with the conclusion that either disc was dirty and I would be able to clean it with a disc washer (yet another purchase) or that it was scratched. I hope it was just dirty.

Anyways, from that disappointment I continued on. This time I went and bought a brand new record from the store, Pink Floyd’s “dark side of the moon”. This is another one of those perfect albums, just brilliantly made. As I put the record on I made sure that it was dust free, and everything was good to go. I set the needle down and waited patiently as the faint heart beat started creeping in, to the roar of the opening cymbals. This was amazing. The voices in the background had more definition, the whole album just has a better soundstage. More open yet more personal at the same time. Perfect.

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