Monday, June 15, 2009

tylenol versus chicken soup

when our daughter used to get sick we would run to the doctor’s office. And they would do their check ups and by the end of it would tell us give her tylenol and send us off. Every time! made us wonder what the world are we paying them hundreds to thousands of dollars for? One time our daughter got an ear infection and we were told to give her some antibiotics... It was one of the most horrific times of my parenting experience. My daughter hated it, and would vomit every time that we tried to give her the medication. Recently I read in an article that the medicine for ear infections are more or less bullshit, and patients actually get better quicker without it! Like fevers... we would told to give our daughter tylenol to bring her fever down and that always prolonged the sickness. There is a biological reason why are bodies heat up... to kill off the germs. Too often do we run to the medicine cabinet when we have a head ache and just treat the symptoms of an illness instead of the the root of the problem we just cover it up.

I have nothing good to say about tylenol. Maybe the fact that it can temporarily stop some one from feeling to much pain long enough for the person to get treatment.

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